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Privacy law

Privacy law

Breach of privacy legal advice

Falling victim to a breach of privacy isn't something that only happens to celebrities and people in the public eye. Breach of privacy under privacy law, happens to normal people, who use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Types of breach of privacy claims

The legal basis for a breach of privacy claim

Can a breach of privacy occur where the information published is false

Why instruct Cohen Davis to handle your breach of privacy matter

Types of breach of privacy claims

Breach of privacy under privacy law might occur following the publication of private information in newspapers or on social media. Examples of a breach of privacy include the publication of a home address, and references to one’s medical conditions, whether mental or physical health. These examples also include references to sexual preferences or even to sexual acts with a third party, publication of telephone calls or in person conversations where the person whose privacy is breached, had a reasonable expectation that those conversations would remain private. Further examples such as disclosure of private family matters, disclosure of certain criminal convictions, and references to certain aspects of divorce proceedings are also popular breaches of privacy that victims may go through. 

The legal basis for a breach of privacy claim

Privacy law allows you to bring a privacy claim under the common law of misuse of private information, under breach of confidence or under breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or Data Protection Act 2018. Often, a breach of privacy claim will include a claim for breach of personal data and in some cases, a claim for defamation or for malicious falsehood. 

Can a breach of privacy occur where the information published is false

Under privacy law, you can bring a claim for breach of privacy even if the information published is false. Private information can be true or false, which means that in many cases, you would not be expected to confirm or deny the truthfulness of the private information which is published in breach of your privacy. Often, where the breach of privacy involves false information, you can also bring, at the same time, a claim for defamation or malicious falsehood.

Why instruct Cohen Davis to handle your breach of privacy matter

We have been specialising in internet law for over 20 years, which means we are able to share with you our wealth of experience if a breach of privacy has occurred on the internet. We have a dedicated team whose job is to investigate, discover and unravel posts, individuals and publishers who use the internet to disseminate private information as part of an online reputation attack campaign.

Our lawyers often work fast, utilising our extensive network and contacts to facilitate the removal of private information from the internet without delay. We are a trusted, niche law firm that works relentlessly to support and to protect our clients’ online reputation.

Emergency injunctions

Emergency injunctions

Emergency injunctions

An emergency injunction is a legal order that can be issued by a court in order to protect someone from imminent harm. This type of injunction is typically used in cases of blackmail, harassment and breach of privacy where there is a clear and present danger to the victim.

Read more: Emergency injunctions

Is it legal to film someone and upload it to YouTube

Is it legal to film someone and upload it to YouTube

Someone uploaded a video of me on YouTube

It could be unlawful to film someone and upload the video to YouTube if the uploading of the video may interfere with your right to private life or with your right to have your data processed fairly.

Read more: Is it legal to film someone and upload it to YouTube

Injunction for breach of privacy

Injunction for breach of privacy

Can you get an injunction for breach of privacy

Yes. You can get an injunction for breach of privacy fairly quickly and even without a trial.

Read more: Injunction for breach of privacy

Is catfishing illegal

Is catfishing illegal

Catfishing and the law

Read more: Is catfishing illegal

How to remove criminal record from Google

How to remove criminal record from Google

What are the options to remove a criminal record from Google

Read more: How to remove criminal record from Google


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