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Harassment limitation

What is the limitation period for online harassment cases

The limitation period for online harassment cases is 6 years. The period of 6 years starts in relation to each harassing event.

How to calculate the limitation period in relation to harassment

How soon should you bring a legal claim for online harassment

How to calculate the limitation period in relation to harassment

You must bring legal proceedings for harassment within 6 years of the harassing event that you are complaining about. To bring a case for harassment you need to have at least 2 harassing events. The publication of a harassing website is considered as a series of harassing events because each day the website is live, the victim is being harassed over again. This means that you can count the beginning of the harassment case against you at any day you want, so even if the harassment against you started 10 years ago, you can still bring a claim for harassment, but only in relation to the suffering that you incurred in the last 6 years prior to bringing the claim.

How soon should you bring a legal claim for online harassment

Although there are strict time limits set by law when it comes to issuing court proceedings under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, where the claim must be filed within 6 years of the harassing act, an important consideration for anyone who is being harassed, particularly online, is to act expeditiously and without delay. Usually, in order to be able to obtain an injunction for harassment your harassment lawyer will need to convince the court that the harassment is recent.

Another point, more specific to online harassment and limitation, is that harassment on a website is arguably occurring each day all over again regardless of when it was posted first because each day the harassing website is published represents a new harassment event to the victim causing the victim alarm or distress. The limitation period in harassment cases requires detailed consideration in relation to each and every case. Therefore, we advise that you speak to a specialist harassment lawyer about the limitation period which might apply to your case.


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