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Harassment solicitors no win no fee.

Harassment solicitors no win no fee

Harassment no win no fee

Some of the most complex cases of online harassment happen to victims who are unable to afford legal representation. In many cases, the life of the harassment victim and their financial independence prospects have been devastated by the ongoing harassment, whilst in other cases, the victims of the harassment are too young or too poor to be able to afford legal representation by a specialist harassment lawyer.

Where can you find legal representation for harassment

Is your harassment case eligible for a no win no fee legal representation

What to do if your harassment case is initially assessed as not eligible for a no win no fee

What standard of legal representation you should expect on a no win no fee representation

Where can you find legal representation for harassment

Cohen Davis Solicitors welcome clients who wish us to take on their harassment cases on a no win no fee basis. Because of the high number of harassment cases involving vulnerable victims and the few expert solicitors who specialise in online harassment in England and Wales, we have to make a difficult choice when deciding which online harassment case to take on, on a no win no fee basis. To make sure that we are able to assist victims of the most serious and complex harassment cases, we have developed criteria, which is fair and transparent.

Before explaining how we choose those cases, we must explain that long term harassment cases are extremely complex and often involve lots of evidence and many other evidential and legal difficulties. Our law firm is known for the successful handling of complex online harassment cases. At the same time, we are a small, boutique law firm. Whilst being a boutique law firm gives us an edge and whilst this has forced us to develop unique technological tools to handle exceptionally large volume of evidence, it also means that our expert lawyers can only take on a limited number of cases at any given time.

Is your harassment case eligible for a no win no fee legal representation

We are unlikely to take on your harassment case on a no win no fee basis if your main motivation is to recover damages from your harasser. We always give priority to those individuals whose main goal is to bring the ongoing harassment to an end. There are two main conditions that we look at before we consider whether to take on a harassment case on a no win no fee basis. The first condition is that our work will benefit our client and the second is that we will likely need to get paid for our work at the end of the case. Both conditions must be met before we will consider whether to take on the case on a no win no fee basis. Generally speaking, there are two categories of cases involving online harassment.

The first category is where the victim of the harassment knows who the offender is, and the second is where they don’t know, or don’t yet have proof of who is harassing them on the internet. Both categories of cases might be eligible for a no win no fee legal representation. Where the victim of the harassment knows who the offender is, we will first need to establish that the offender is someone from whom we will be able to recover our clients’ the legal costs.

If this can be established, we will move on to further consider the case for a no win no fee legal representation. In some cases, however, the victim will not know for sure the identity of their harasser. When this happens, will need to carry out a preliminary investigation to help us establish the harasser’s identity.

What to do if your harassment case is initially assessed as not eligible for a no win no fee

We are unlikely to initially assess your harassment case to be eligible for a no win no fee legal representation where you are yet to establish the identity of your harasser or if it is clear that your harasser will be unable to pay the costs of your legal representation. This means that we will normally expect our client to bear the cost of the investigation into the identification of the harasser and their means before we are able to confirm whether we are able to act on a no win no fee basis.

If the preliminary investigation leads us to an individual who we believe will be able to pay our clients’ legal fees at the end of the case, then, we will consider taking on the harassment case on a no win no fee basis at that stage. The investigation fee will usually be recoverable from the harasser at the end of the case. In some cases, after carrying out a preliminary investigation, there might still not be sufficient proof as to the identity or the means of the harasser, but there might be a suspect who we believe is likely to be the offender. In such cases, we might still take on the matter, but we will expect out client to pay the cost of the initial communication with the suspected offender before we can consider whether to take on the harassment case on a no win no fee basis. If we are subsequently able to take on the case, those fees of the initial communication will usually be recoverable from the harasser once we win the case against them.

What standard of legal representation you should expect on a no win no fee representation

Once we take on a harassment case on a no win no fee basis, our client is expected to receive from us exactly the same high standard of service that we offer to our paying clients. We treat all our clients the same way. Finally, we expect clients who seek our firm to take on a large financial and reputational risk to demonstrate that they genuinely wish to understand their legal position and have their case assessed. As a rule of thumb, we ask all our clients to pay for their initial consultation with us so that we can consider their case in depth and to give them initial legal advice. Usually, the consultation fee will be recoverable from the harasser once we win the case against them.

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