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TheInternet LawCentre

A review of Cohen Davis legal practice

A review of Cohen Davis legal practice

Why clients choose to work with Cohen Davis Solicitors

Read more: A review of Cohen Davis legal practice

Why choose Cohen Davis solicitors

Why choose Cohen Davis solicitors

Social media lawyers and internet law specialists

Read more: Why choose Cohen Davis solicitors

Statutory information

Statutory information

Statutory information about Cohen Davis Ltd

Read more: Statutory information

Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Data Privacy Notice for website visitors and for our clients

Read more: Privacy policy

Opening hours during weekends and holiday periods

Opening hours during weekends and holiday periods

All year round, 24 hours, 7 days a week internet law support service

Read more: Opening hours during weekends and holiday periods

About Cohen Davis, Social media lawyers

About Cohen Davis. Social media lawyers

The first specialist Internet Law firm in the UK

Read more: About Cohen Davis, Social media lawyers


What to do if, as a client you are unhappy with the service we provide

Read more: Complaints

Legal advice social media

Legal advice social media

Legal advice about social media from an expert social media lawyer

Read more: Legal advice social media

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  • Charity

    We are passionate about making the internet a better place

    We represent some of the most vulnerable people in our society.  Some of our clients have no means to pay for legal services. In many cases this is due to an internet related traumatic experience.

    Whenever our we are approached by a client who a deserving case, we always consider ways where we can provide help and support.  Sometimes, we fund the cases, or part of of the work in the cases,  of vulnerable clients through an internal charitable account that we have created for this purpose. The charitable account is regularly topped up by income that we receive for work that we carry out for our more wealthy clients. 

    In other cases, we agree to act for vulnerable clients on a no win no fee basis, which often involve carrying out substantial amount of work and the taking of a high reputation and financial risk on our part from the outset. We might also act for vulnerable clients by offering to work on a substantially reduced rates. 

    Each year, we invest approximately £100,000 in free legal work and representation of our clients, which includes support to related good causes.

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